Sunday, March 15, 2009

Catching up......

Happy Sunday! Life is busy, but we have much for which to be thankful, primarily the fact that God is Jehovah Jireh, our God who provides! Thank goodness He is in control instead of us! This week brought all sorts of challenges, the minor ones being two broken down cars (a third car was already in the body shop) with accompanying repair and car rental bills! Hhmmm....oh we say around here, "It is what it is!" Thankfully, life with Felix is humming along swimmingly. He made the "A" team in junior high soccer and will have practice or games 4 x's a week after school. His social life is rivaling our own. He had his friend Asher stay with us last weekend (much of it spent on the trampoline and basketball court, and it was Felix's first time is a jacuzzi) and has spent this weekend with Asher's host family, with the opportunity to fish off the jetty in the harbor yesterday. Unfortunately, much to his dismay, no fish were caught. I've also included a photo of the boys on "roller skating night" for the junior high students......for which the theme was "tacky"......I think goofy would be a better description! I expect him back in the next hour or so, when we will settle into our Sunday night routine. Melissa heads off to youth group and John and Kevin head off to play volleyball at the gym, so Felix and I take a long walk around the neighborhood and then grocery shop or watch a movie or play a game. Actually, I'd like to help him with his English on Sunday nights.....I know he wants to get better, but it is so busy during the week with all the kids' sports schedules and regular homework that this might be a good opportunity to focus on language skills. I'm just not sure of the best way to use our time, but I think having him read out loud to me in an appropriate level book would be a great start. That way I can correct pronunciation, and help with comprehension, etc. I think I'll check with his teachers tomorrow. Anyway, nothing else too exciting, which is just fine with me! However, I am looking forward to Felix's first game....evidently he is one of the better players, so it should be fun! Thanks for following along.....and feel free to post a comment or question. :)